
Is Your Digital Marketing Consultant Checking Off Everything on This List?

Running a business is hard. There are so many little details and tasks that can easily be overlooked, especially when you’re doing all of it (or a lot of it) on your own. Investing in a digital marketing consultant is a wise decision that can ease the load off your shoulders and into the hands of an experienced professional.

And while many digital marketing consultants are extremely helpful and beneficial for your business, there are some that are stuck in the birth of the digital age. Times have changed, and so have best practices. 

If you’re wondering if your digital marketing consultant’s techniques are up to scratch but aren’t sure how to assess them, you’re in luck. Here is our list of everything an experienced and knowledgeable marketing professional needs to be aware of – and put into practice – if they’re worth staying on your team.

1. Experience in Your Industry

Having a digital marketing consultant with experience in your specific industry is crucial. It means they understand the nuances, trends, and challenges unique to your business, allowing them to develop tailored strategies that resonate with your target audience. An experienced consultant can leverage industry-specific knowledge to craft effective marketing campaigns and identify opportunities for growth.

It’s all well and good to employ a marketing consultant who has decades of experience, but if it isn’t within your industry, what good is all that knowledge when it doesn’t apply to your business? For example, a lead-generating short course platform requires very different marketing techniques than an e-commerce clothing store. One business’s strategy will certainly not work for the other.

2. Multi-Pronged Approach to Marketing 

Everyone likes a team player, especially in marketing. While you may notice your sales increase when you heavily focus on one marketing tool, your business won’t grow and reach its full potential without using multiple marketing tools. By diversifying your marketing strategies, you can tap into different channels and engage a broader audience.

Using a variety of marketing tools allows you to create a holistic marketing ecosystem. For example, combining content marketing, email campaigns, social media, paid advertising, and SEO can amplify your brand’s presence and impact. Each tool serves a unique purpose, from building brand awareness and driving traffic to nurturing leads and converting them into loyal customers.

On top of this, a multi-pronged approach provides resilience against changes in market dynamics and algorithm updates. It allows you to adapt and pivot more effectively when needed. 

3. Identifying the Right Channels for You

While a multi-pronged approach to your marketing strategy is absolutely necessary, you don’t want to sink your teeth into too many apples. As the saying goes, quantity does not equal quality – which quality digital marketing consultants should know. It’s essential to strike a balance between diversification and focus. A skilled consultant will analyse your business, target audience, and industry to determine the most effective channels for your specific goals.

Choosing the right channels ensures that your efforts are concentrated where they matter most, maximising your return on investment. It’s about finding the sweet spot where you allocate resources efficiently without spreading them too thin. For instance, a B2B consulting agency may find investing in LinkedIn ads to be very beneficial, whereas a homewares company will likely find Pinterest ads to be far more effective.

4. Their Own Marketing Is on Point

Sure, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover – but we do (and you’re lying if you say you don’t). An expert always leads by example, right? The best way to demonstrate your skillset is by showing yourself off. If a digital marketing consultant’s branding or self-marketing strategies are ineffective or not up to scratch, your business’s campaigns will likely end up looking the same.

A consultant’s own marketing prowess serves as a living testament to their abilities. It reflects their understanding of current trends, strategies, and creativity. When a consultant excels in self-promotion, it’s a strong indicator that they can do the same for your business.

5. Constant Update on Tech

In the rapidly evolving landscape of digital marketing, staying updated with the latest technologies and trends is paramount. A competent digital marketing consultant should be committed to continuous learning and adaptation. They should constantly seek out new tools, platforms, and strategies to keep your marketing efforts cutting-edge and effective.

Tech-savviness extends beyond just knowing about the latest gadgets or social media platforms; it involves understanding how emerging technologies can be harnessed to benefit your business. Whether it’s embracing AI-driven chatbots (there’s no going back to pre-AI now), leveraging augmented reality for immersive marketing experiences, or staying informed about data privacy regulations, a consultant should be well-versed in the tech advancements relevant to your industry.So, are your digital marketing consultants checking off everything on this list? If not, it may be time to reconsider who you’re letting market your brand. Reform Digital is a full-service, award-winning marketing agency that is continuously evolving to keep up with the changing digital landscape. Get in touch with us today for a free site review and to learn how we can help your business excel.

Alyssa Forato is an SEO Copywriter at Reform Digital. She wears many hats, but her favourite one can type out words that convert people into customers. In fact, she loves it so much that she never takes it off.

When Alyssa isn’t busy typing away at her keyboard, you’ll find her with her nose in a book and knitting needles in hand.

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Is Your Digital Marketing Consultant Checking Off Everything on This List?

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