COVID-19 has caused a brutal pandemic that has negatively impacted businesses worldwide and the flow on affect will be felt for years to come. Luckily, Australian’s have recently come out of the majority of the enforce lockdowns and businesses are finally able to breathe a bit clearer again. Vaccination numbers are increasing and a huge portion of retail businesses and service based companies are able to get back to some level of normality, which is an exciting time for all.
Now that business are returning from very trying times, it is important for them to focus on performance so they maximise their returns. The team at Reform Digital have put together some Digital Marketing Tips to consider implementing and potentially improve your performance across the board.
Focus on existing customers
Think about it – a large portion of your existing audience have basically been on hiatus and they are waiting to hear from you now that their world has normalised somewhat. Bringing in new customers often comes associated with an expense, so why not leverage the existing customer base you have to bring in some quick wins?
This is obviously dependant on the industry that you are in, but being able to send an email blast out to a group of customers who have already purchased from you before and don’t need convincing to buy your product, or offering your service to your customers who have already spent with you before could keep you busy for the moment while your other digital marketing efforts come into fruition.
Most marketers will tell you to worry about the long term and invest in strategies that will improve things 12 months to 5 years down the track, but after the year Australian’s have had, it isn’t a bad idea to get some business on board as soon as possible and promote some positive cash flow. This will ease some pressure and allow for
Be Clear, Concise and Consistent in your Communication
Why would this matter? Well, a lot has changed since the pandemic and this can make for a complicated time for people knowing what is available and what is not. This is where your messaging becomes ultra-important, if you are are vague with the message you are trying to get out to your customers, there is every chance that you will have a range of competitors also advertising and this will leave you “in the pack” without a proper voice.
Now is the time to make it clear how you want to communicate and make your messaging crystal clear. You should be looking at a communication strategy that includes a range of different channels so that you can hit your audience in multiple touch points, which should get you the most attention in a time where everyone is starting to switch start their engines up again. Provide a constant stream of information so that customers who may not have heard from you as consistently over the covid period can realise that you mean business again.
Invest in Social Ads – but make them Targeted!
Yes I know, I know…. “iOS14 has happened, performance has been down, why would we invest in Facebook Ads?” – We hear you! Listen to this counter though, Facebook Ads exploded over the covid period, particularly for ecommerce websites and there is still plenty of potential to make Facebook / Instagram Ads work for your business, if you are clever about it. Facebook and Instagram (also Pinterest and Tik Tok to an extent) continue to remain affordable and often present a good ROI, as long as you target your audience accordingly and have strong messaging and Call To Action’s.
Social ads can be an affordable way to bring leads and revenue to your website with highly targeted campaigns, so investing now would be a smart idea. If you combine this with an organic posting strategy and build highly informative / engaging content, you should be able to kickstart your digital strategy again and build some momentum leading into 2022.
Run Exclusive Deals and Offers
Right now, while everything is opening up, you should be offering some kind of deal or offer to entice your customers to invest in you. This doesn’t have to be a ridiculous “Everything up to 90% off” type deal, but something that encourages people to act now and offers great value might be the difference between gaining a new customer or having someone vaguely skim over your product or service.
There are a range of holiday special periods coming up leading into Christmas, but you can still be creative and look into “end of lockdown sales” or “freedom freebies” to help get those who are in the consideration phase, across the line. Most businesses can be clever with these discounts and actually offer plenty of value without eating into their profit margins too much, so have a think about what you could provide your customers in this time of need and offer them an enticing deal to win their business before someone else does.
Remember, people are celebrating their freedom from a pretty drastic period in their life, they want to get back to their norm and start spending on your product service, so give them a reason to!
Learn more about how Reform Digital can create a tailored digital marketing strategy by contacting us today.