
Top Tips to Optimise Your E-commerce Product Pages For More Conversions

Often, ecommerce businesses will launch a website, throw some information up with a bunch of products, start doing some digital marketing and seeing how they go. It takes years to craft a high-performing e-commerce website, with ongoing tweaks and optimisations, but one of the most overlooked areas of websites is often one of the most important…. The product page!

This is the page where it all happens, your potential customers have gone through the “window shopping” portion of the website and they are now on the specific page that they are about to click that ever-elusive “add to cart” button to lead them to the checkout page. In this article, we are going to highlight the top ways you can optimise your product pages to improve conversions:

Use Top Quality Product Photography

This may seem like common sense, but time and time again we have noticed a real lack of care for the quality and selection of product images across the board of e-commerce websites. It is 2020, you not having good product images is the equivalent of not having a mobile optimised website for the last 3 years, it just isn’t good enough.

It is also important to have a range of images. Sure, you might be thinking “there are only so many ways to display a product” but often your customers want to see a product on all different angles and for when it’s relevant, all the different functionality of the item.

The reason for this is that unlike retail stores, customers cant touch or feel the product, so it is even more important that they have a clear vision on the product and can see every little detail when considering to buy from your ecommerce store.

Detailed / Engaging Product Descriptions and Content

When writing product descriptions, we have an obsession in Australia to write specifications. We focus all of our energy into the smaller minute details of the product and how it works without thinking about something which is far more important.

Explain how your products will benefit the customer!

Remember, you are often solving an issue that your customer has and by focusing on this specific issue, you can make some extremely valuable and engaging content that will increase your chance of converting the potential customer into a sale. Now granted, there are some circumstances where writing succinct product specifications could help solve your customers problem, but it is important to make sure you identify this before just writing content for the sake of it.

The other thing to consider is that more than likely, your customers will view a couple of your competitors and compare your product pages to them. This makes it all the more important to ensure that your product descriptions are unique and well written as this might be the reason someone chooses to buy from you instead of the other products they are interested in.Some other things to be careful of including:

  • Make the page easily scannable
  • Use clear headings
  • Avoid too much fancy jargon
  • Don’t copy and paste information from your manufacturer, get creative!

Have a Super Clear Call To Action

This may also seem reasonably straight forward, but if you don’t have a clear call to action on your product page, then you give your customers an opportunity to bounce off the page and look elsewhere. If you want them to buy, show them a very prominent “add to cart” or “buy now” button immediately, there is no reason to beat around the bush.

You can also use colour psychology to help improve the way in which your pages are perceived by the audience viewing them, normally on your Call To Action buttons and headings.

Just remember, your customers are not always as digitally savvy as you and the website navigation isn’t as obvious to them as it is to you who knows your own website back to front, so put their thought process in mind and make the journey and positioning of the call to action extremely obvious for them to avoid any confusion.

Increase Customer Trust With Social Proof

Product reviews and ratings build trust in your audience and when you are trying to sell to people, trust is normally the benchmark for making a sale happen or not. Think about it – when you are buying something in a store now, you are more than likely inclined to quickly check online to see if anyone else has purchased the product before and this naturally leads you to the reviews and ratings section to seek peoples feedback.

Having a strong review strategy and gathering your customers feedback is as important now as it ever has been, with the improvement in phone technology and everyone having a handheld computer in their pocket at all times.

Another big trend in the social proof space is unboxing videos and reveal videos of customers getting their products in the mail and opening it for the first time, whilst also leaving a positive reaction which can speak volumes to how invested in your product they are. If this is done properly by businesses, it can be an incredibly great way to influence your audien ce into trusting and investing in your brand.

These are just a few of the things you can do to optimise your product pages and help improve your conversions and this could help boost your sales on your website. It is always important to split test different variations of your product pages to see which one gets the most engagement and which one produces the most revenue.

For any further assistance with conversion rate optimisation, please contact us directly to discuss how the team at Reform Digital can help you!

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Top Tips to Optimise Your E-commerce Product Pages For More Conversions

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