Google Ads

Are Google Ads Worth the Investment?

Ads, glorious ads. When done well, advertising on search engines such as Google can drive traffic to your website and boost sales tremendously. Getting your website to that little ‘sponsored’ slot is a great way to increase your brand’s visibility.

However, like all fun things, Google Ads services cost money. And when you’re running a business – big or small – all of your expenses quickly add up. Should you really be adding Google Ads to your list of expenses? Will it pay off in the long run? 

When you pass the reins over to a Google Ads agency like Reform Digital, investing in this service sure is worth it. We are a digital marketing and Google Ads agency in Melbourne, driven by a passion for helping brands like yours grow and achieve the results you deserve. Keep reading to learn why we believe you should be investing in Google Ads, and what exactly this simple advertising campaign can do for you.

What Are Google Ads?

You know those ads that pop up at the top of the search results when you search for something on Google? Those are Google Ads. Think of them as the VIP of search results – they get to jump the queue of organic rankings and be right at the top. But they’re not just randomly placed there, they show up when they match what the user is searching for. It’s like a dating app for ads and search queries – a match made in Web 2.0 heaven.

Basically, advertisers pick the perfect keywords related to their products or services. For example, if you’re selling sustainable activewear and choose to implement those keywords in your Google Ads campaign, your website will show up in the search results when someone searches for ‘sustainable activewear’.

But it’s not just about showing up; it’s about showing up to the correct target market. Google Ads is super smart – it considers where you’re located, what device you’re using, and even the time of day. That way, your ad for your sustainable activewear brand goes to the people who are most likely to buy your products.

And guess what? You don’t pay just for showing up – you pay when someone takes action, like clicking on your ad to visit your website. You’re basically putting your money where the results are.

Should I Be Paying for Google Ads?

If you’re looking for a short answer, yes, you definitely should be paying for Google Ads services. Now, let’s go into more depth as to why we think they’re a necessity.

We already mentioned it briefly, but with Google Ads, you’re not blindly throwing your money into the air, hoping someone will catch it. Instead, you only are charged for success – which could be clicks on the ad to your website, for example. This is known as ‘cost per clicks,’ or ‘CPC’.

With Google Ads, you don’t need to fork out large amounts of money for a successful campaign. As long as it’s optimised correctly, you will be able to set whatever budget you’re comfortable with, and the platform will work within that to deliver your ads to a highly targeted audience. This flexibility is a game-changer, especially for businesses with varying budget sizes.

Moreover, Google Ads provides an unparalleled level of reach. With over billions of searches per day, Google is the go-to place for people looking for information, products, and services. By having your ads displayed prominently in search results or on relevant websites, you’re essentially putting your business in front of potential customers at the exact moment they’re expressing interest.

However, don’t go in blind. There’s no point running Google Ads if you don’t quite understand how they work – you won’t get very far. That’s where we come in. As an expert Google Ads agency in Melbourne, Reform Digital is here to help you boost your sales and drive traffic to your website.

How Will Google Ads Help My Business?

Your interest is piqued, but this is really what you want to know: How are Google Ads services going to help your business grow? Well, there are a variety of ways, including:

Enhanced Visibility

With Google Ads, your business is thrust into the spotlight, and your website is placed neatly on a pedestal, above the rest of the organic traffic. And this is great because people don’t have the time (or patience) to scroll through endless search engine result pages (SERPs) – they want what they need right in front of their eyes. So, they’re more likely to click on your website.

Quality Traffic

While Google wants to make your ad visible, it doesn’t want to disrupt searchers by displaying it on irrelevant SERPs. So, it targets those it thinks are most likely actually to need your product or service. This means better quality traffic that’s more likely to convert rather than increase your bounce rate.

Customise Your Audience

When setting up your Google Ads, you can decide exactly who you want to see them – ranging from age and gender all the way through to location. That way, you minimise the chance of people who aren’t in your intended audience seeing your campaigns.

Flexible Campaigns

Since you pay as you go with Google Ads, there’s plenty of room for tweaks to your campaign. Is something not working quite as well as you thought? The good news is you can change it! There’s no point paying for something that’s not working for your business.

How Much Are Google Ads?

There’s no set answer to this question since it truly depends on your brand’s campaign budget. You can choose to invest a large amount of your marketing budget into Google Ads services or alternatively, you can put in a smaller amount.

The best way to get the most out of your advertising budget is by letting a Google Ads agency take the reins and optimise it for you. Feel free to contact us for more information or even to get a free site review! We can’t wait to reform your Google Ads for you.

Alyssa Forato is an SEO Copywriter at Reform Digital. She wears many hats, but her favourite one can type out words that convert people into customers. In fact, she loves it so much that she never takes it off.

When Alyssa isn’t busy typing away at her keyboard, you’ll find her with her nose in a book and knitting needles in hand.

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Are Google Ads Worth the Investment?

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