Email Marketing

Email Marketing – 4 Reasons It’s More Than Sending Emails

“Email marketing is dead” is what people have been saying for years, but as a marketing channel, Email has been able to withstand years of change and progression in the digital marketing industry. Email continues to play a pivotal role in getting a businesses message out to its customers and can be considered a top channel for building and maintaining an authentic connection with your audience.

Often, email is considered Spam, but this is far from the truth and in fact modern marketing has allowed emails to be completely customised through unique content, segmentation and personalisation. Well planned out and thoughtful email campaigns can do so much more than just become an email that is sent to people, here is what email marketing is really about and what it can do for your business:

1. Connecting with a wide audience

With over 3.9 billion active email addresses in use daily at the moment, it’s crazy to think how under-valued email marketing is in the digital space. It’s estimated that 3.5 billion active users are on social media per day, so it shows that email is still an extremely powerful channel. 

If your database is slightly smaller than you’d like at the moment, the opportunity to grow it and connect with a huge group of people is still amazing. What’s important is that your audience has an interest in your company and the content of your emails. This will increase your open rates and conversions via email rather than spamming inboxes who will consider it spam. 

2. Encourage an increase in sales

The return on investment from email marketing campaigns can be enormous if done correctly. Transactional emails can generate a huge Return On Investment as the audience are often already nurtured and ready to invest in you and the level of convenience is high as the email is right there in their inbox.

When you post on social media or do targeted marketing, you are addressing your audience as a whole and generically, whereas email is personalised and specific to the end user making it an extremely powerful converting tool. On top of that, you can share special promotions, provide informative emails and set up strong flows such as abandon cart and welcome series to further improve the engagement of your prospects.

3. Building Relationships

Email marketing is much more than just a sales tool. It is an important step to building relationships with prospects, leads, current customers, past customers and even existing stakeholders within a business. 

By sharing important and powerful content, you can build trust within your audience which actually has a very positive impact on your other marketing channels. In 2022, it is more than likely that your prospects require multiple different touch points to make a final decision on whether to buy your product or service. Email is a fantastic way to nurture and work with your audience to make sure you have loyalty and trust in your brand for years to come. 

4. Generate more website traffic

When you announce a new product launch or have an upcoming sale or even just provide an update on your business, you should be telling your customers via email. By creating an email marketing campaign, you are sending an increased amount of traffic to your website and this could also potentially help improve your Search Engine Optimisation

So when you are creating an email that links to a specific products, service of blog post, make sure you include a clear call to action so that your readers can click through to the website and find further information. 

If your business is looking to improve your email marketing efforts and you don’t know where to start, you can contact the team at Reform Digital and our email marketing specialists will help produce a top level strategy for you today!


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Email Marketing – 4 Reasons It’s More Than Sending Emails

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